Top 5 videos on Informit in 2023

Australian content featured heavily on EduTV and TVNews this year. Popular programs like The First Inventors, Alone Australia & The Homes That Built Australia were featured in our top 5 videos recorded and played on EduTV.

Trending topics on TVNews included AI, the housing crisis, climate change, HIV and the history of Australia’s freedom rides.

See our top 5 videos of 2023 on EduTV and TVNews below (subscriber-only access).

Top 5 videos on EduTV

1. Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

2. Grand Designs Australia: Whittlesea Earth, Victoria

3. The First Inventors: Design to Survive

4. Alone Australia

5. The Homes That Built Australia

Top 5 videos on TV News

1. Eliminating HIV: Sydney is on track to celebrate a remarkable milestone, becoming the first place in the world to effectively eliminate the transmission of HIV on the 7.30 Report.

2. The fears for a future with artificial intelligence: In subtle and sometimes alarming ways, artificial intelligence is changing our lives on the 7.30 Report.

3. Escalation: Climate, protest and the fight for the future: This is Murujuga 1,500 kilometres north of Perth on Four Corners.

4. What is the solution to Australia’s housing crisis? Australia is in the midst of a housing crisis on the 7.30 Report.

5. Racism is nothing new unfortunately in Australia, but during the 1960s a remarkable group of young people took steps to try to make a difference with the Freedom Ride through regional Australia on The Point, NITV.

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