AGIS Legal

The single source for legal journals

Australia’s most complete source of full text legal journals and abstracts. Extensive coverage of legal matters in the context of Australia and New Zealand law, with selected content relevant to other jurisdictions. Specialised analysis and interpretation of law reform, constitutional law, criminal justice, law enforcement… and much more. It is curated for lawyers, educators, students, law librarians and paralegals.

Available in full text or abstracts only with pay per view.

Collection Highlights

  • Essential, informed, and peer-reviewed legal research
  • Extensive coverage of legal matters in the context of Australia and New Zealand, with selected content from other jurisdictions
  • Specialised analysis and interpretation of law reform, constitutional law, criminal justice, law enforcement… and much more

Key Subjects

  • Justice
  • Legislation
  • Law reform
  • Contracts
  • Crime
  • Courts
  • Argument
  • Lawyers
  • Legal profession
  • Civil rights

Product Details

  • Records: 226,000+
  • Intended for: Specialist researchers, Government, Academic
  • Coverage: 1978-onwards (indexed articles only)