First Peoples’ Cultural Advice
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that the Informit platform contains names, images, and voices of deceased persons.
In addition, some content contains terms or views that may no longer be considered culturally appropriate and may be offensive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers. Content in Informit collections does not necessarily reflect the views of Informit. While the information may not reflect current understanding or values, it is provided for an historical context.
Exercise your Right of Reply
What is the Right of Reply?
Released in August 2021, the Indigenous Archives Collective (IAC) published their Position Statement on the Right of Reply to Indigenous Knowledges and Information held in Archives with a call-to-action:
We call for the Australian sector to take a stand as Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to prioritise the Right of Reply and support Indigenous self-determination in the GLAM sector (IAC, 2021).
The Right of Reply is a participatory archive model, where Indigenous people can directly address material related to or depicting their culture. The Right of Reply is the right to enhance, correct, update, critique or even withdraw Indigenous knowledge in collections. It is related to truth-telling, sovereignty and self-determination and recognising the weaknesses of our digital collections as Eurocentric, institutionalised and colonial, containing “issues and inherent biases associated with record making and collecting paradigms that silence and subjugate Indigenous peoples’ voices and knowledges” (IAC, 2021).
Indigenous Archives Collective (IAC) 2021, Indigenous Archives Collective Position Statement, viewed 7 September 2021,

How to exercise your Right of Reply
Journal, book or other content on Informit
All content on Informit is available via You may provide feedback on any page. Content hosted on Informit is available via an Abstract (summary) page. Using the Feedback button on these pages will automatically provide detail to these pages. Fill out the Feedback form provided.
To exercise your Right of Reply, use the Feedback tab available on the right hand edge of each article abstract page to provide comment. We will respond as soon as possible.
Any other feedback
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