Access millions of authoritative articles on Australia’s most critical issues, expertly curated by our editorial team and categorised into topics with assigned reading levels and discussion prompts.
Informit Explore is a new research and learning database designed specifically for Australian public libraries, offering ready-made teaching and learning tools that guide lifelong learners towards reputable, trusted sources of information that combat misinformation & encourage critical thinking.
Start free trialAccess millions of authoritative articles on Australia’s most critical issues, expertly curated by our editorial team and categorised into topics with assigned reading levels and discussion prompts.
With a proud First Nations focus, the platform offers access to the largest collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander publications, all in the one place.
Explore removes barriers to digital inclusion by providing a topical-based starting point for library patrons to explore a range of views to better understand the issues affecting Australia.
Informit is unique in the information landscape. I recommend Informit to all libraries and organisations who need a trusted information source that draws on authoritative, respected publications and multimedia.
Pru Mitchell, Manager Information Services
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Explore includes ready-made teaching and learning tools that guide lifelong learners towards reputable, trusted sources of information that combat misinformation and encourage critical thinking.
Explore’s user-friendly interface features curated content from a large selection of Australian publications and journals, including Meanjin, The Monthly, Kill Your Darlings, Metro Magazine, the Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues and many more.
Start free trialGive lifelong learners the freedom to explore topics that spark their interest. With issues pages that summarise subjects and issues in plain English, and offer guided comprehension and discussion questions.
Different perspectives of an issue are explored and bolstered by thought-provoking comprehension discussion and critical thinking questions.
Learners can effortlessly discover a wealth of Australasian content by following their interests and selecting trending topics.
Engaging curated articles are selected for each issue and are graded by reading level, from beginner, to intermediate and advanced.
Interviews with Australian academics and professionals on key issues, providing in-depth opinions on critical issues.