Informit Archived Abstract / Index Databases

An archive of abstract bibliographic databases representing a vital part of Australia's cultural heritage.

A collection of abstract databases from research centre libraries across Australia and the Asia-Pacific, these resources have been part of the Informit Index for over 30 years. Though no longer updated, they are preserved in the Informit Indexes collection representing a vital part of Australia’s cultural heritage.

These databases are included in the Informit Index collection are may be accessible and searchable within the Informit platform.

Collection Highlights

AGIS Index (Archive) Coverage: 1885-2021

AIM Management & Training Database (AIMMAT) Coverage: 1982-2000

APEC Literature Database (APECLIT) Coverage: 1992-2003

 Archives and Records Management Literature in Aus and NZ (ARLIT) Coverage: 1940-2000

Arts & Entertainment Management Database (AEM) Coverage: 1982-2000

ASIAN Resources: A Select Directory of Databases

Aus Heritage Bibliography (AHB) Coverage: 1987-2012

AUSTGUIDE Coverage: 1986-2006

Australasian Medical Index (AMI) Coverage: 1968-2009

Australasian Military History Database (MIHILIST) Coverage: 1987-1999

Australia’s National Geosciences, Minerals and Petroleum Reference Database (AESIS) Coverage: 1853-2020

Australian Architecture Database (ARCH) Coverage: 1980-2015

Australian Building Construction and Engineering Database (BUILD) Coverage: 1989-2002

Australian Industrial Relations Database (IREL) Coverage: 1983-2000

Australian Library and Information Science Abstracts (ALISA) Coverage: 1982-2005

Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Information (ANSTI) Coverage: 1970-2015

Australian Public Affairs Information Service (APAIS) Coverage: 1886-onwards

Bibliography of Indonesian Politics and the Economy (BIPE) Coverage: 1965-1998

Chemical Engineering Reference User Bibliography (CHERUB) Coverage: 1956-2012

Computer Index Australasia (CIA) Coverage: 1994-2001

Consumer Sciences Index (CSI) Coverage: 1988-2001

Database on English Language Teaching For Adults in Australasia (DELTAA) Coverage: 1985-2008

Edge (EDGE) Coverage: 1985-2007

Environmental Abstracts (EVA) Coverage: 1987-2011

Far North Queensland Collection (FNQDB) Coverage: 1994-1999

Giblin Working Papers Database (GIBLIN) Coverage: 1990-2006

Indigenous Australia (ATSIC) Coverage: 1968-2002

Indonesian Learned Periodicals Database (PDII-A) Coverage: 1980-2002

Indonesian Research Report Database (PDII-R) Coverage: 1980-2000

INTANMAS Coverage: 1989-2002

International Taxation Issues Database (INTAX) Coverage: 1990-2003

Malaysia/Singapore/Brunei/ASEAN Database (BERITA) Coverage: 1990-2013

Management and Environment Information (MEDGE) Coverage: 1985-2006

Media Scan (MEDIASCAN) Coverage: 1991-2009

Multicultural Australia and Immigration Studies (MAIS) Coverage: 1988-2020

Rural and Remote Health Database (RURAL) Coverage: 1966-2017

SCANfile Coverage: 1978-2009

Science and Geography Education (SAGE) Coverage: 1990-2019

Victorian Audit Library Information Service (VALISE) Coverage: 1980-2012

WORKLIT Coverage: 1907-2002


Product Details

  • Records: 3,000,000+
  • Intended for: Specialist researchers, Academic, legal services, Government
  • Coverage: 1853-2021 (indexed articles only)